The Right Direction is Any Direction

2 min readMay 30, 2021
Photo by Daniel Gonzalez on Unsplash

One of our most common cause of feeling unsuccessful in life is not having taken any path that deeply resonates with us.

This whole pandemic era has given us so much time to think about our progress in life. It made us question if we are pursuing the right path, or even got us thinking if we are on any path at all.

Such moments of introspection is actually quite important for us sometimes. It provides us a deeper sense of our why. Done deliberately, it could lead us having clearer goals, shaping our actions to focus only on what’s essential. The result will often open us to a more profound work but more importantly, a renewed sense of walking down the right path. It feels right.

However, given the time that we have to spend at home by ourselves, it is very easy for our overthinking minds to wallow in this phase triggering thoughts that could paralyze us.

It became buddies with our deepest anxieties.

There are many ways in order to get out of this rut. But what if we really just don’t know where to begin again? After questioning our inner selves on what we really value, what if we really have no clue which direction to take anymore. Or what if we feel that we have too many feasible paths to take, and too many curiosities to follow.

Which direction is the right one then?

It’s like seeing several new flavors of ice creams in the shop without knowing which one we should try.

The thing is, we don’t really know until we give it a go. It’s really as simple as that. It’s like seeing several new flavors of ice creams in the shop without knowing which one we should try. We just have to buy one for now and see for ourselves. Not choosing one is akin to regret once we get home and realize we should have picked any.

That’s the same with all the interests we have.

We just have to act on it. Pick one, for now. It is only until we act on our inclination that we realize if we could do it again, and again. And that repetition builds passion which then primes us to derive meaning in the long run. Then maybe our other interests would make such perfect sense once we have finally reached a certain phase.

So we just have to put in the work.

Keep moving.

Even if it all feels at odds. That phase will come to pass. If we decide to, we’ll make sense of it all in the end.

“We could only connect the dots backward.” -Steve Job

Any direction is a right direction.

